initiatives and international meetings2, which have been useful in guiding policies and practices worldwide, Desiring to supplement and extend the application of the standards and principles laid down in existing international instruments, Having before it proposals concerning the historic urban landscape as an approach to urban heritage conservation, which appear on the agenda of the 36th session of the General Conference as item 8.1, Having decided at its 35th session that this issue should be addressed by means of a recommendation to Member States, 1. Adopts, this 10th day of November 2011, the present Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape; 2. Recommends that Member States adopt the appropriate legislative institutional framework and measures, with a view to applying the principles and norms set out in this Recommendation in the territories under their jurisdiction; 3. Also recommends that Member States bring this Recommendation to the attention of the local, national and regional authorities, and of institutions, services or bodies and associations concerned with the safeguarding, conservation and management of historic urban areas and their wider geographical settings.
In particular the 1982 World Conference on Cultural Policies in Mexico City, the 1994 Nara Meeting on Authenticity, the 1995 summit of the World Commission on Culture and Development, the 1996 HABITAT II Conference in Istanbul with ratification of Agenda 21, the 1998 UNESCO Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies for Development in Stockholm, the 1998 joint World Bank-UNESCO Conference on Culture in Sustainable Development–Investing in Cultural and Natural Endowments, the 2005 International Conference on World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture in Vienna, the 2005 ICOMOS General Assembly on the Setting of Monuments and Sites in Xi’an, and the 2008 ICOMOS General Assembly on the Spirit of Place in Québec.