APPENDIX GLOSSARY OF DEFINITIONS Historic area/city (from the 1976 Recommendation) “Historic and architectural (including vernacular) areas” shall be taken to mean any groups of buildings, structures and open spaces including archaeological and palaeontological sites, constituting human settlements in an urban or rural environment, the cohesion and value of which, from the archaeological, architectural, prehistoric, historic, aesthetic or sociocultural point of view are recognized. Among these “areas”, which are very varied in nature, it is possible to distinguish the following “in particular: prehistoric sites, historic towns, old urban quarters, villages and hamlets as well as homogeneous monumental groups, it being understood that the latter should as a rule be carefully preserved unchanged. Historic urban area (from the ICOMOS Washington Charter) Historic urban areas, large and small, include cities, towns and historic centres or quarters, together with their natural and man-made environments. Beyond their role as historical documents, these areas embody the values of traditional urban cultures. Urban heritage (from European Union research report Nº 16 (2004), Sustainable development of Urban historical areas through and active Integration within Towns – SUIT) Urban heritage comprises three main categories: • Monumental heritage of exceptional cultural value; • Non-exceptional heritage elements but present in a coherent way with a relative abundance; • New urban elements to be considered (for instance): – The urban built form; – The open space: streets, public open spaces; – Urban infrastructures: material networks and equipments.